What Is Low Back Pain?
Low Back Pain affects 80% of the population at some point in their life and one-third of the population on a yearly basis.
Your lower back is made up of 5 bones stacked on top of each other with a soft "disc" between each segment to allow for flexibility. Normally, each joint in your spine should move freely and independently. Sometime one or more joints in your low back can become "stuck". We call this condition "lumbar segmental joint restriction".
Imagine a normal spine functioning like a big spring moving freely in every direction. A spine with a restriction is like having a section of that spring welded together. The spring may still move as a whole, but a portion of it is no longer functioning.
Joint Restrictions most commonly cause local tenderness and discomfort. You may notice that your range of motion is limited. Moving your trunk may increase discomfort. Pain from a restricted joint often trickles down your hips and buttock. If left untreated, joint restrictions may lead to arthritis.
How We Can Help
Getting you back to normal as soon as possible is our number one goal. To do that, we will likely recommend one or more of the following:
Chiropractic Adjustment to improve flexibility and improve pain.
Myofascial Release to remove long-standing tightness
Therapeutic Exercises to strengthen weak muscles and help hold adjustments